Dr. Abhay Agaste
Dr. Abhay Agaste
"Dr. Abhay Agaste Director of Jyotish-Vaastu Science Institute & Research Center is among very specialized professional consultant for accurate and scientific guidance in astrology and Vaastushastra also for technical and specialized training in the field of Astrology, Gemstone and Vaastu-Shastra. He is studying & Practicing Astrology since last many years now"...
"Gems are crystalline minerals or petrified material that can be used as a distinct..."
"Numerology is the predictive science which uses numbers just as astrology uses the planets... "
""Jyotish-Vaastu Science Institute & Research Center is one of the remarkable institute related Vastu and Astrology Courses. Dr. Abhay Agaste is a Director of this Institute. This institute is making combination of Our Traditional Ancient Knowledge and Modern Concepts. Considering the New Era of scientific approach Dr. Abhay planned acourses accordingly.