Dr. Abhay Agaste
Dr. Abhay Agaste
Dr. Abhay Agaste , is a renowned astrologer & a professional consultant, recognized for his accurate and scientific guidance in the field of Astrology and Vastushastra, Ratnashastra, Geopathic. He is having profound study of all aspects of Jyotish, Vastu and Ratnashastra. Dr. Abhay is Ph.D. in Geopathic Stress. He has changed the perspective of Indian Astrology by giving it a modern and a scientific approach through his consultancy and training programs.
He is a master in K.P. Astrology, while predicting the Horoscope he uses K.P. System. He applies his logic, analytical power & knowledge of varied subjects while giving his astrology predictions. Since last many years he is studying & practicing astrology.
Dr. Abhay is Practicing Astrology and Vastu from last 20 years. Under his guardianship and consultation, people find the right path to smoothen there future path. While Astrology and Vastu remain the backbone of Dr. Abhay's consultation, you can also seek his advice for Numerology, Ratnashashtra, Aura Reader, Geopathic, Colour Therapy, Palmistry.
For Astrology consultation many people from INDIA as well as NRI consult from him. Dr. Abhay's Client experience speaks itself about his success.
He gives technical and specialized training in the field of Astrology, Gemstone and Vastu-Shastra.
Astrology is very huge subject & requires good logic, analytical power & knowledge of varied subjects. His thorough study, experience & knowledge of varied subjects, he has all the qualities which help him while prediction.
If you are interested in learning KP, our organization Jyotish-Vastu Science Institute & Research Center, is providing learning centre to the seekers.
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